BJJ Day 4

Day 4 This is my 4th day back on BJJ. So, a couple of things I’ve learned so far. 1) If you are out of shape, doing two days of BJJ back-to-back is not advisable! I found it hard to sleep that night because every time I moved in bed, the muscle soreness woke me up. 2) I know enough to get in trouble. For example, while in my partners half guard I wanted to break my partner's grip on my leg to try and get to mount, however, I don’t remember the finer details of how to do that. So, in the end, I got swept. 3) Defense, defense, defense and then more defense. A corollary to point two is that getting swept and not knowing what I’m doing results in a near constant barrage of attacks. 4) If on the off chance I find myself in an advantageous position, I need to remain calm! Till I figure out wat what to do next. 5) Subway is a poor lunch. I ended up feeling sick. 6) The Ezekiel choke is a so simple that I’m ...