
Showing posts from 2018

BJJ Day 5- Bumped my head

Well, I got injured…yeah, it’s going to leave a scar, sadly it’s not a cool scar. So, what happened? Well we were doing some arm drags to a takedown and unfortunately, I hit the back of my head against another head. The blow left me with a cut and him with a headache. There wasn’t much blood but based on the advice of the coaching staff I did go to an urgent care. The doctor told me that the cut wasn’t too bad and that I had the option between stitches or glue to seal up the cut. I opted for the glue. The only scary thing was that he said I really needed to look out for infection and if I did see it get medical help immediately. Luckily, I did not get a concussion. I should be out of action for a couple days while I let the cut heal.  I plan to spend my down time watching youtube videos on techniques that I've learned and set up a BJJ journal. 

BJJ Day 4

Day 4 This is my 4th day back on BJJ. So, a couple of things I’ve learned so far. 1)    If you are out of shape, doing two days of BJJ back-to-back is not advisable! I found it hard to sleep that night because every time I moved in bed, the muscle soreness woke me up. 2)    I know enough to get in trouble. For example, while in my partners half guard I wanted to break my partner's grip on my leg to try and get to mount, however, I don’t remember the finer details of how to do that. So, in the end, I got swept. 3)    Defense, defense, defense and then more defense. A corollary to point two is that getting swept and not knowing what I’m doing results in a near constant barrage of attacks. 4)    If on the off chance I find myself in an advantageous position, I need to remain calm! Till I figure out wat what to do next. 5)    Subway is a poor lunch. I ended up feeling sick. 6)    The Ezekiel choke is a so simple that I’m surprised I hadn’t learned sooner! 7)    I’ve got to w

Back at it again with the white belt - Why did I stop, goals for BJJ this time around, and my first day back

Back in 2015, I started BJJ I did it because I wanted to get in better shape. Why BJJ? Because I had a coworker that had done it before and he said it was “fun.”  So, without any prior martial arts experience in 2015, I walked into American Top Team Gwinnett and started training. I didn’t fall in love with BJJ immediately. In fact, I really questioned my decision to do it. It didn’t help that I was out-of-shape and that all the movements were entirely out of my wheelhouse. Additionally, without any knowledge of how to defend myself, I found myself getting very well acquainted with the mat. But I pushed kept with it, and finally, after about 4months something clicked and my BJJ game improved, and that is when I started to enjoy BJJ and see its benefits. Why I stopped: Not long after I started wanted to make some changes in my career. Looking at my options, I thought the best path for me was to go to grad school. In doing my research on programs, I found out that I will need to take